Fresh Aire

Fresh Aire is an independent printing studio, specialising in exhibition printing on fine art paper. They print for a wide variety of clients, the majority being artists and photographers wanting to display their artwork and for art print sales.

Owner Alec originally got into the printing business through studying photography at Leeds Arts University, which was his first introduction to printing in the darkroom. Since, he has worked in many commercial labs using different print processes. After working at a highly productive printing company in London, Alec set up on his own in 2022. Within 6 months, he had generated lots of interest and quickly outgrew his original unit, therefore moved to a larger space so he could bring in more equipment. 

The business plans to keep expanding, exploring opportunities, adding new products and learning new skills such as custom framing. Fresh Aire would like to introduce another staff member to help with customer relations and marketing, as well as helping with print production. 

Alec was recommended to reach out to LCVS by Take it Easy Lab, who have an office on the ground floor. He had always wanted to be based in the city centre and LCVS helped him to do so with their affordable rates offered to start-ups. He believes there is a “real sense of community in the building and it feels more like a family to me now” - allowing him to feel comfortable to focus on the progress of his brand whilst making great friends and connections along the way. 

Alec shares on the company's Instagram page @freshaire_ltd prints that are made for the artists they work with, as well as tips on preparing images for prints. Check out @freshaire_ltd to see some perfected prints.


Studio Sol


Take It Easy Lab