Leeds Arts University

Leeds Arts University is the only specialist arts university in the north of England. With over twenty different courses at further education, undergraduate and postgraduate levels, LAU have been providing arts education in Leeds for over 170 years!

The Careers, Employability and Enterprise Team aim to prepare and support students through the transition from education to employment or self-employment. They run workshops, talks, events, mentoring and all sorts of other activities and opportunities for students and alumni. One of the things that they provide is spaces for creative practitioners and entrepreneurs such as those at LCVS.

By having spaces at LCVS’ workshop premises, it means that the university can fund different types of studios, as the people that they help range from those needing office space to those needing space for print rooms, photography studios and practice rooms. It gives the residents access to a creative community and a space to grow their business or practice, helping them to take their work forwards.

The incubator scheme space gives residents who are in earlier stages of their careers a supportive and enabling environment to develop their business. The studio managers are great at signposting residents to helpful contacts, for everything from industry insights to equipment and furniture.

Leeds Arts University heard about LCVS in the same way that many others did: with an ear to the ground in the creative sector of Leeds! They say that everyone hears great things about LCVS pretty quickly!

