No Fuss Print Co

We have over a decade of experience designing and printing stickers for other companies and wanted to do it ourselves because it can be frustrating being a part of something and not having a say in how it works. This way, we own everything, the branding, the equipment, the plan, the victories, the losses. Everything.

We're still brand new. We only launched in April 2023 so it's a little too soon to tell. But right now, we're getting busier and busier and that can only be a good thing, right?

If you go on our Instagram - @nofussco you can see lots of businesses we've worked for / with.

Currently, this is a side hustle for us. It will be great when we can go full time. After that, we wanna make more stickers!

We've worked closely with Take It Easy over the years, we both worked with them at a previous employer and one of us also designs all of Take It Easy's branding. It's invaluable having our own space in the centre of Leeds. We hope to utilise this more and more.

We'd be happy to offer a discount for any residents in the workshops. Let me know how we can facilitate that.


Golden Hour Co.
